Crosswalk No. 23

Crosswalk No. 23

One of the first things that drew me to these crosswalk shots was that I noticed how people assemble themselves into these impromptu line-ups, as if they were cooperating for a photo shoot.  You get the odd person looking the wrong way, but for the most part they face front, and don’t stand in front of each other to block the line of sight.  Of course as actual police line-ups they make no sense, what with the different ages, races, sizes, genders and shapes, but that’s what gives them their charm.

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. I love this shot. How do you get the detail in so many faces? It’s as if you focused on each face. Amazing.

  2. And the people have almost a 3D effect. How?

    1. Thanks for the comments, Vince. There are no tricks, but I think it’s the equipment causing the features you are noticing. I shot these with an 85mm f/1.4 lens with the aperture at its widest setting, which is f/1.4, and that puts everything except the main focus subjects into a blur, which creates what you are probably noticing as the 3D effect. The Nikon 85mm lens is amazingly sharp, which helps. All the people were standing in a fairly straight line, which makes it possible to focus on all of them. Any other questions let me know.

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