Bus Stop No. 75

The basic black and white conversion of this image, shown below, was really bland and washed out. So I pulled it into Nik’s Silver Efex Pro, and generated this look using settings meant to mimic Ilford Pan F Plus 50 ISO film, a Green filter, and a selenium based tone. There are a lot of ways to get a different look for your black and white conversions, eve if you do not want to buy an extra plug-in like Silver Efex Pro.  The other day I came across is a good tutorial based on things you can do in Photoshop CS3. I know you can do similar things now in Aperture, and probably in Lightroom as well.  I always start my black and white conversion simply by hitting Control-M in Aperture, which is the basic conversion method.  I was not happy with it here, but it often gives good results.  When it doesn’t however, you should learn alternative things you can do to aid your workflow. As promised, here is the basic conversion:

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Mark, great shot as usual. I appreciate the fact that you share your techniques. It really causes me to “look” at your images in a totally different way. And I’m rarely, if ever, disappointed.

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