Fort Tryon Stair Path

Always Have A Backup Plan

One of the best benefits of winter photography is being able to sleep in. You can get beautiful light  at 7 am that would otherwise require being out at 5 am in May or June. Nevertheless I tend, for some reason, to mess up my calculations in winter as I try to squeeze every last advantage out of the situation. As a result, I usually end up leaving my house, noticing that it’s just a bit brighter than I expected, and cursing every red light as I head to my intended spot for shooting the dawn. This happened to me on New Year’s Day, and the situation was made worse when I arrived at my intended spot and could not find any parking within several blocks of where I wanted to be.

I was about to give up, and maybe just drive around a few neighborhoods I have vaguely considered shooting but do not know well as an advance scouting expedition, when I remembered that I have long intended to shoot Fort Tryon Park near the very northwest tip of Manhattan Island. So I headed crosstown and then north and found some great scenes that were still subject to some beautiful early morning light, including this path and stairs.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. I like the different textures and the composition. Nice work Mark.

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