Snow Storm At Tiffany’s – #we35

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The front doors to Tiffany’s are rarely closed during daylight hours, excepting very early in the morning just after dawn. But based on what turned out to be erroneous warnings of a storm to end all storms, just about all of New York closed early last Monday. Here, one man steps into the doorway to check his phone while somewhat shielded from the wind and snow, while others just continue on their ways home.

Meanwhile, the reason there are no cars visible on Fifth Avenue is that 2 blocks north of here at 59th Street, the cars heading for the 59th Street Bridge were totally blocking the box. Fortunately there were not many cars trying to go down Fifth anyway.  When I walked up to 59th Street a few moments later the blockage did open and the backlog was not so great, although I’m certain it was frustrating for those caught in it.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. I really enjoy the timeless quality of this image.

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