Another Palouse Abandoned Farmhouse

The title is not meant to convey boredom with the repetition of the subject, but my inability to keep creating new titles for variations on a theme.

I remember how we found this house. We had already trekked out pre-dawn to shoot the sunrise from Steptoe Butte, then we visited a different set of abandoned farm  buildings that had been previously scouted by the guy who happens to be in this shot, Scott Starks. The question then was whether we should head back to town and out hotel room for breakfast and a nap, or do a bit more shooting first. It was early, but we had no subject or destination in mind.  I was fine with extending the morning but had extreme doubts about the efficacy of driving with no specific destination in mind. I really thought we would just waste our time.

But everyone else was gung-ho and I decided to keep my mouth shut.Sure enough, after a couple of turn-backs and false starts, we found this area, which was a rich scene, including this building and a few others.

This ROllei RPX Film in a COntax T3 camera.

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. This place was sweet Mark, I just processed an IR of the same building, nice work

  2. Nice image – the shadows are a bit to dark for my taste in places. Nicely done.

  3. I think think this is good work!

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