Rock Center Concourse Floor Pattern

2019 Prime Lens Experiment – Week 9

I have not kept up with my weekly challenge posts, but I have kept up with the weekly shooting aspect. I think that’s the more important part, but I need to get back to the full program.  So I’ll try to post every 1-2 days or so for a short bit to catch up.  This was taken almost a month ago in Week 9. It is a section of the floor of the concourse connecting all the buildings in Rockefeller Center. Specifically, it is a section that connects the local subway station with some of the buildings on the West Side of Sixth Avenue.  I had exited from the subway that morning, while thinking about what I should shoot for my challenge image. Then I noticed this pattern, especially the play of the light and shadow, which you do not often see from interior artificial light. So I tried holding the camera at a variety of angles, and here we are.

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