Crosswalk No. 85


This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. That’s a wonderful cameo moment captured there, the four main players all looking in different directions, and the blonde shifting the weight of her foot to ease the pain of the heels (I know from experience how she feels!) Loving your Crosswalk series ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Love how two of them are chatting together and the other two are on the phone and both walking out of the scene. A moment very well captured. ๐Ÿ™‚
    Dave recently posted..My old style grunge lookMy Profile

  3. Thanks both for your comments.
    Viveca, nice catch noticing the weight shift and the heels; I never would have picked that up.
    Dave, I like to imagine that the 2 men are talking to each other and don’t realize they’re about 10 feet apart.

  4. Mark I said bookends before I saw your title. What a fantastic shot. Even the ladies in the center are facing each other to help create some symmetry to the shot. Great job!

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