The Grey Man Makes His Own Paths

The Grey Man Makes His Own Paths

So I had an unusually busy week last week, which I why I haven’t posted since last Tuesday. There was some travel involved, which I’ve usually overcome, and gotten my posts out through pre-planning.

Quite honestly, I’ve lost some of the fire for every day posting. I’m not burnt out, and I still love photography, but I haven’t the appetite to put this nearly on  a par with work and family, which is about what it takes to make sure you never miss a day. The truth is I could have posted last week, but when Tuesday evening became Tuesday night and I was ready for bed, I had a choice of staying up longer to get 2 or 3 posts lined up ahead of time, or just go to bed and let the blog lag a few days. There was a time I would have stayed up, but that’s getting harder.  Not physically harder – it’s just a bit of a slog.

Part of it is I have other things going on, including a new commitment to exercise that takes up a good hour every day. Something has to give.  I’m not anywhere near quitting this, but on occasion I might just let the blog sit a few days without warning like I did last week.

Meanwhile, the Grey Man never rests, he always seems to keep moving, even when construction blocks his way.

This Post Has 7 Comments

  1. You gotta do what ya gotta do Mark! Love The Grey Man series – excellent stuff!

  2. Considering the grey man is you, you’ve made a remarkably natural looking image here. Well done.
    I completely understand your predicament, Mark. The blog becomes a very demanding mistress, or a runaway train or even both. It doesn’t consume time, it devours it. And once it is running it actually can be hard to apply the brakes because the momentum becomes self-sustaining. In many ways I am lucky – grown up kids in their 30s, no grandchildren (yet), and retired. My time is my own, but I would be kidding myself and being dishonest if I didn’t admit that over the last year my blog has consumed far more time than I thought it would. My wife is very understanding, but at times I am given firm reminders that there are tasks overdue to be completed. I think it’s important that the Blog does not control life, but is merely a part of it. Getting the balance right is difficult. I think I had better right that down and stick it on the edge of the screen as a memo to myself. Take a break (it’s allowed!) – we’ll be here when you come back – unless we’ve taken a break too!
    LensScaper recently posted..The Langdale PeaksMy Profile

  3. I really love your Grey man series and this one is no exception. I know what you mean about the blog. Sometimes you just have to take a break.

  4. Definitely know what you mean, Mark. I’ve managed to post 316 times in the last 12 months, only skipping Sundays and doing as many as 8 days in advance for vacations/travel, etc. But, being retired, I do have a little more freedom. At any rate, I enjoy your posts, especially the variety and quality. And the Grey Man is always nice.

  5. Gotta love the grey man, I find it hard to post every day, never have tried to be honest, I think it would really burn me out over time

  6. I’ve got you in my RSS list so it doesn’t matter how frequently you post, Mark, I am not going to miss a single thing. 🙂 Even the grey man needs a break every once in awhile! Family first, my friend, your online community of fans here will certainly understand.

    This is an awesome shot, yet again. This series really is speaking to me at a deep level. There’s a ton of natural tension in these shots as we all strive to see what happens next to the grey man around the next corner. The B&W processing immediately lends a sense of nostalgia and is keeping with the grey man’s attire just perfectly. Spot on, my friend, spot on.
    Toad Hollow Photography recently posted..A Stations Storied HistoryMy Profile

  7. Thanks for the kind and understanding comments, everyone.

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