A Greenpoint Water Tower

I carefully titled this post not to call it “The Greenpoint Water Tower.”  The Water Tower that holds that distinction can be seen featured  here and is also visible but not featured on the right side of this image here. I do not know why so many water towers in Greenpoint are elevated above the rooftops, instead of just sitting on top of those same roofs at roof level. Is it just that the buildings are nt as tall, or perhaps that the elevation of Greenpoint is lower and so the towers have to be elevated higher than normal for gravity to do its work? These are just guesses, but they provide some fun photo opportunities.

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Water towers rule! I like the One-Way sign in the bottom too!

  2. You have a great shot here! It reminds me of an old scene… I believe you have this talent in finding great subjects in photography. Thanks for sharing this picture…

  3. Nice Mark, I like how you got the sign in there

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