Still Life Reflections: Flowers, Black and White

I put this exact photo up on the blog 16 months ago, except in color. I never much considered converting it to back and white until a few weeks ago, when I took part in the 5 Day Black and White Photo challenge that has been floating around Facebook, G+ and other social networks the past couple of months.  It’s a simple challenge in which you just have to post a black and white image 5 days in a row on whatever social platform you were named in. I was nominated on Facebook by my photo friend Jay Taylor,

There were few rules or restrictions to the challenge: you could post new photos, old ones, or reworked ones. On the third day I wanted to take an old color image of mine and convert it to black and white and browsing through my catalog I decided on this one. The result exceeded my expectations.


Available In My Galleries Here

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