Ten Years of Photo Blogging

I started this blog (using the toomuchglass.net domain) on October 18, 2009. I didn’t really have a plan. I’m pleased to have kept it going (even though it was mostly dormant in 2018). Along the way I engaged in multiple projects, both on my own and as part of a group: Bus Stops and Crosswalks, The Grey Man, #we35, and others.

The best side effect has been the many friends I have made, including a group who meet once every year under the ad hoc #nXnw moniker. There are probably about 2 dozen or so in that group, and usually 8-12 make it in any given year, and it is a highlight for pretty much all of us.

I sometimes wonder whether there is a point to the blog any more. The entire blog ecosystem on the web is not what it was, not just among photographers but for all communities and subjects. I’m really not sure where is the best place to post and publish my images. But this place is mine, and I recommitted to it this year. I have posted much more than in 2018, and early this year I arranged the conversion to this new web address.

No promises for the future, and no goals either. I’ve always used photography to do what I want. I never really committed to a specific style or subject, which has probably hindered any chance of gaining a real following. I’m OK with that, at some point I decided I’m a photographer to make myself more happy and creative, an that doesn’t come from chasing page views, comments or anything similar.

Below is a sample image from every year of the blog from 2009-2010 through 2019. I tried to select images that represent the assorted styles and subject matters I have tackled rather than my favorites or the best.

Thanks for coming by, however often or just as a one time visitor.

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