Bus Stop No. 6

I’ve decided to double my output of both Bus Stop Fridays and Crosswalk Tuesdays.  I think I’ll extend Bus Stop Friday to Saturday, but keep the name, and Crosswalk Tuesday will also appear on Monday or Wednesday, again keeping the Crosswalk Tuesday name.  I’m getting enough good shots that I don’t think I’ll have trouble maintaining the flow.

This is another shot from my first night shooting at bus stops, and I hadn’t yet gotten the nerve to walk in front of people and photograph them face-on.  I actually got a little spooked by this guy, who seemed to notice what I was doing and kept glancing back, but I like the result.  I have found that , with a few exceptions, people do not pay attention to me when I face them frontally and take their picture at the bus stops.  There are enough tourists on Fifth Avenue that I blend right in, and I think most people, if they do notice me, assume I am taking a picture of anything but them.

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